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Oxford visit
2024-06-03 10:17:00

On 29th May, Professor Freddie Hamdy, Professor David Cranston and Professor Sheraz Markar visited the HQ of Chongqing Haifu Medical Technology Co. Ltd.
1.jpgProfessor Freddie, who visited the company in 2019, came back this time to discuss further cooperation with Haifu in clinical trials.

As the Chief Investigator of studies including the ProtecT (Prostate testing for cancer and Treatment) study of case-finding and randomised controlled trial of treatment effectiveness in prostate cancer - the largest of its kind worldwide, Professor Freddie is establishing various multidisciplinary research platforms at Oxford and introducing, with colleagues, a new centre for evaluation of minimally invasive technology including robotic surgery.
2.jpgSheraz R. Markar, the Director of NDS SITU, oversees a broad portfolio of surgical clinical trials within SITU, and his own primary research focuses on the management of upper gastrointestinal diseases. In this role, he supports the full pathway of surgical trial development from initial design, funding application, trial set-up and implementation. Prof. Sheraz is also the chief investigator for the national UK SARONG trial (Surveillance After Resection of Oesophageal and Gastric cancer) funded by the NIHR-HTA and the intentional GOLF trial (Double-blind RCT for Gastro-Oesophageal reflux disease; Linx management system vs. Fundoplication).

After the visit, professors said they are expecting to return to Haifu in the future for a deeper understanding of HIFU treatment.